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Modification of Orders

Modification of Orders and Support Enforcement throughout the Twin Cities

As children grow and divorced couples begin to rebuild their lives, life changes. Spouses may remarry, obtain promotions, or embark on new career paths in other states. Likewise, a child’s interests and needs change. When these events occur, the terms of a divorce decree or custody and support agreement may need to be modified.

Generally, either spouse can apply for a motion to modify the custody provisions of a divorce decree or paternity order. In order to modify an order, courts look for a substantial change in circumstances that would merit a modification. The Gallagher Law Office, L.L.C. assists clients in identifying such instances and petitioning the court to approve necessary changes. Also, when a spouse fails to honor their obligations under the terms of a divorce, our lawyers provide dedicated representation for child support enforcement.

In addition to providing individuals with a wide variety of legal services related to changing custody, parenting time issues, modifying child support and enforcing support orders, the Gallagher Law Office, L.L.C. also cares about helping clients understand important steps that should be taken after a divorce to protect their interests and move on with their lives.

Contact our law office for your legal advice and representation needs after your divorce.


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